Generate an OG image for FREE.


2 min read


Table of Contents

Open Graph meta tags are snippets of code that control how URLs are displayed when shared on social media.
The right Open Graph image can significantly increase user engagement.
Here’s how the URL is displayed in Twitter.
Open Graph image of
Open Graph image of
As it’s quite evident from the above picture, that the image in the Open Graph card is the most important piece and grabs a lot of attention.
Different social media apps display the url’s differently. But the idea remains the same. How to make your content more clickable, shareable, and noticeable on social media? Use OG meta tags.
There are lot of ways in which you can generate an OG image. You can use advanced tools like Figma, Canva etc.. to generate a high quality OG image or use simple tools which don’t offer too many customisation options, but get the job done. If you want to use advanced tools to create an OG image, it requires you to know them in advance or get ready to spend considerable amount of time learning the tool.
If you are looking to generate a simple OG image for your app, you can use QuickImages OG image generator. It’s completely FREE to use.
Navigate to fill in the fields and upload a logo and main image and voila! your OG image is ready to be used.
notion image
Add this image to your website with the necessary meta tags and there you have it, an OG image for your website/application.

Using an image from QuickImages

For the main photo in the OG image, you can use an image that you have generated in QuickImages.
Open QuickImages extension and generate a new image or navigate to generated images.
notion image
Copy the image that you like and paste the image with keyboard shortcuts ⌘ + vor ctrl + v in Navigate to You can also download the image from QuickImages and manually upload it.

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